Monday, 20 March 2017

Something we, humans, seem to forget in the hustle and bustle of daily life.. these psychological processes are ongoing. A little while ago I was talking about being a teen and wanting to make it all stop, it doesn't work like that. The one thing we can guarantee is that time passes, so if we're alive we keep ticking and these things in our minds go on.

I watch a lot of tv and read a lot of fiction, I love ideas and the windows that you get into people's minds with their fictional interpretations. I try to understand people through these obscured flashes. In a manner it's not much unlike talking to people in person, we give you cues and thoughts or ideas and if you take (the moments it takes) you can see more of who we are by how we say the things and spend our time.

A lot of the time, I have migraines or things that masquerade as migraines. I wonder sometimes if that's not more the ongoing process of learning not to hate everything. Other times it appears to be an entirely medical condition (e.g. strobing* lights will trigger a migraine regardless of how I feel). Medical science has always been something interesting to me.. (wait that's a lie, in school I wanted to be a physicist and ignored my biology teacher when he said I had a talent). Maybe, it seems natural to me, is more accurate. And again I think that's the more anti-social aspects of me, the bits that watch autopsies and say 'wow, bloody humans work' instead of 'eewwwww livers are gross..' (for the record, imo a liver's one of the least aesthetically pleasing organs, lower intestines' are weird looking too).
*Google can spell but owns Blogger whose spellchecker has some strange issues with words... Strobing.

Anyway, humans are weird things and we forget that.. we don't instinctively give ourselves enough space to happen - on the right wavelengths at the right moments.

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