Little update on the laptop and Means piece, it's gone. There seems to be no way presently to access the file, which means I'm starting from scratch and memory as of today (with roughly half the research saved to another pc). Hopefully the final piece will be more refined from this re-start, though presently I'm cursing the gods of dodgy laptop hinges.
Bird Tails: There's a russet brown and speckled white dove that's been hanging around mine at lunch and supper on&off for a year or so now, I believe he's male from the amazing green and purple chest feathers. A month or so ago a saw him with a youngling, very similar features

(down to the abnormally short beak) speckling and chest pattern, though grey and white instead of brown; I figure this is offspring. A couple of days ago the new male came for lunch alone* he was making abortive but kind gestures that were being (very reasonably) taken for aggression by the other birds, I watched this three or four times...
You know sometimes when you look an animal in they eye and you just get what they're thinking.. so I made a couple of opening hand-motions and made slowing sounds to imply calm down.. the bird cocked his head at me and did a head tilt that I'm beginning to recognise as a whatever/eye-roll/nonchalance and tried to approach the same dark grey bird, this time more slowly and without the peck-like gesture, the bird allowed him closer. He cooed and I left because it was bloody cold (England in March...). Half hour later I see him and the four other birds clustered together-ish (you know how they like a little personal space) and muttering between one another. Today he's back with a few other birds and Droopy, they seem to have become friends.
* The father was absent but completely fine, cooing at the girls when I next saw him lol he knows how handsome he is!
Hope you're having a great day people!
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