Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Nothing is actually simple. I'd not quite thought of it this way before, but it's true... Cell division is actually really complicated, 1+1 is a simple problem from which you can devise subtraction, multiplication and this whole beautiful system of numbers. Occam's Razor only says 'the simplest' bc nothing is actually simple.

We blanket ourselves in layers of civilisation and howl our agonies as animals.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

I've talked about this before.. maybe even bored you, but I've just seen an example of this discussed and I'm furious.

Trevor Noah claims the bullies helped make him what he is. This is a fallacy. His life's experience has made him what he is and if those experiences had included the kind of healthy (supportive) pushing then it's quite possible he would be in the same place as roughly the same person. Experiencing shitty things does force people to consider things in a different way and since your life is largely swayed by your perspective on it this can lead to some major changes.

Did you know this is also something that two of my three paedophiles claimed they were doing for me... challenging me to be more.. because they'd raped me.

The idea that having had shit in your life makes you a better person is utterly absurd.

Shit happens in life and sometimes that cannot be avoided, sometimes.... the volcano erupts... but do people need others to beat them in order to toughen up? Absurd.
Since Trump was elected and britain decided to slit its own throat to leave something that it was pretty lucky to join like that to begin with... I spend half my time considering suicide, a quarter on how stuff could knit back together and a quarter on the best ways to destroy humanity (so far I'm on a tweaked virus so it only infects humans and is too highly contagious to be avoided anywhere on the planet... I'll think of a way to kill anyone on the ISS later.. cue hysterical laughter).

Dumb thing is bc I've spent so much time on carefully breaking myself lately (otherwise known as therapy, uh without a therapist) I've been finding how my cracks sit together, rekindling the love of a blank page filling with spider-writing and the feel of hands thickening under gloves as sawdust fills the room.

There's a process I usually go through in therapy (bc having an external source of insight and support can avoid some of the more extreme reactions like crying yourself asleep, then awake, then asleep again for days at a time). It starts with a contraction, a focusing in on my core and issues, followed by the patterns around these (past and predictable future) then a process of reflection and evaluation. An expansion - a look at how these issues are displayed in the world (I cannot tell you in words how happy I am about R.Moore not getting that election) and this is usually where I collapse in a heap and have to start again because the world has some pretty fucked up views. I've talked about revenge and idealised-sadism within society (punish!), I've talked about poverty and capitalism (though mostly in Means so I'll stick that up sometime), how many many people seem to be misalligned and.. all the things that make me crazy because the only next logical step after finding that my views conflict with the observable society I'm in is to try to make a peace between these or (if that's not possible) try to change as many minds as I can (debate the issue, always accepting the potential that I'm wrong [within reason, evolution is a theory but a damn good one] and therefore debating openly).

I guess that's just it, I need to keep talking to people.

Sunday, 10 December 2017 life I've found that there are patterns, of behaviour for example, so my rule of thumb is assume nothing about a person but allow that they're capable of both the best and worst of your imagination [edit: and plenty beyond it, in virtually any direction].

..research is fun. For UK people - did you know that the *Metro is owned by the Daily Mail? [Correction: they're both owned by Trinity, link below]. And I'm sure you know this.. there are relatively few people who own newspapers in the UK these days, Trinity Mirror being the largest (wiki) [umbrella corp]. They own the Daily Mail, several other big ones and well over a hundred local papers too.

*For non-UK people: the Metro is a terrifyingly shit free newspaper on every bus, train and tram in basically every city, published Monday through Friday. It's usually got at least a few typo's and spelling mistakes (uh i mean I do that all the time but.. this is a blog) and [basically] only talks about how crappy poor people are and crime, grittier the better it seems.

Shit, huh?

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Did anyone not see Blunt Talk? These should give a good feel for it...

According to the internet it was boring.. maybe they didn't observe the guideline of the title enough.

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Think I might have just seen something beautiful. Have a look ;)