"Stop. Think. Feel. Respond.
While you still can."
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Pet peeve, the Avatar film is weird, everyone's white like they're not from all over the world and [even if by some chance their skin is a little different] they all sound the same... it really bugs me and it's not really anything to do with the rest of the series (I just got these and the other comics). So later I'm gonna enjoy wasting my time watching that shit film that I don't remember bc the rest of the avatar world is so good (cheesy sure, they'll take a cheap laugh, but also expansive and with characters that not only develop gradually but in a realistic pattern of growth that most-times makes me smile).. sigh.. Brain's burning today, light and sound are causing pain but I don't care. I'm [willing] the pain off and working instead, constant supply of coffee helps!
[Added several hours later: Okay, it's not nearly as bad as I'd misremembered. But still.. the two or so ethnic/diverse background crowd scenes feel forced and somehow (I don't know shit about shit but) more like cultural appropriation than [Add: this is bad-wording.. it's like 'hey look at the chinese people we hired for a two minute scene, aren't we inclusive and atmospheric' so that isn't actually appropriation but it's just as rude].. more than anything in any of the rest of the show (that I've come across, keep finding mini episodes and things missed first time). Here's a big bugbear too... Zhao's death scene. They diverge slightly and the film takes on a very different tone, in the midst of a huge battle Zhao finds young prince Zuko alone and challenges him to the death (same so far, then) Ihro talks Zuko into walking away and they leave Zhao to be drowned at the hands of vengeful watertribe defenders. Whereas in the series they fight a bit before Zuko has a moment to overcome their violent history and reaches out in mercy to Zhao who's own hatred takes him to his death. It's one of the pivotal points for Zuko, in a proto-reenactment of the agni-kai with his father, Zuko and Zhao fight to the death; excitingly Zuko takes the upper hand in the battle and (in the equivalent moment when previously his father scared him) Zhao is sucked up by a 3rd party, Zuko grabs the split-second chance and reaches to save Zhao. Zhao's an idiot, withdrawing his hand and choosing to die rather than submit, then Zuko cleverly runs away from the madness consuming the larger fight. So from the series: ~you can't save everyone from their own hatred, no matter how hard you have fought you can always stop/take compassion, some things aren't worth dying for .. and the dozens of other things that scene has made me think.. to the film: ~it's not our fight let's fuck off and save ourselves, leave that guy to save himself because.. uh sure.. sigh.. All that said, the martial arts are fantastic, the guy who plays Aang is clearly skillful, there is some good acting (if sparse inplaces) okay brain is dribbling out my ears.. later people, thanks for reading and I hope you're having an okay (at least!) day, today].
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