"Stop. Think. Feel. Respond.
While you still can."
Monday, 20 February 2017
Been mentally grumbling about the classics - lobbying, greed etc... there's no need because the thing is.. I want to buy tobacco, I'm addicted. And I really want the opportunity to do a whole load of things that aren't sensible. I'd also like for people to have the supported chance to explore what it is to be human while we're alive (within reason and without harming one another). You know I'd even like advertising if it didn't feel like someone's been reading through my emails and (embrassing) 2 am search history trying to find something that'll catch my eye.. (that's instinctively creepy behaviour, right?)
I'd like to be part of an actual global society. And I'd also like to know across the board that there won't be an abuse of the power and wealth that comes with working together en masse. Basically I'd really like the majority (or is it a vocal minority?) of humanity to wake up and start acting like the adults that they are [sorry to be going on about this again]. Because while it's fucking awesome (and I heartily condone and recommend) getting hammered with your mates of a morning/evening/when you feel the need, there is surely an upper limit to how much of a asshole you can get away with being whilst wankered at strangers. If sober I see little excuse for some of the things people just shouldn't be doing, to themselves and others. And look nobody's perfect, I'm a giant fuckup, but.... it's a fact of human nature that we respond to our perceptions not always reality.. I just read part one of Goddamned* and maybe this is still always just screaming to the wind but.. if we treat each other like dirt we become it (worse actually because soil doesn't plan to hurt people).. if we hold ourselves and each other up... We can be more than the sum of our pasts.
<-- *That book is so good, saddening maybe but beautiful. Planning (at some point) an almost-cinema gathering thing for 13th... get in touch if.. you know.. interested.. ha! Went looking for a trailer (above) but here's the whole movie streamed, ty Ciang Sebrangistana and vimeo.
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