*snorts coffee painfully through nose* Damn you, Pobjie(!) hahah this! [[haha typo] excerpt below]
Fake news! As discovered by satirist Ben Pobjie:
Malcolm Turnbull: Mr President, I just called to discuss –
Donal Trump: Did you know that in Australia people carry babies in pouches?
MT: I …
DT: Saw it on TV. Little pouches. Can’t afford nannies. Sad!
Sunday, 26 February 2017
It's silly in the morning and I'm running on two decent meals (& coffee & sugar) about 6hrs sleep from the last [I don't know two or three] nights.... the less bad down-side of migraines.. no appetite and insomnia.
[Add: new (block breaking) poetry over here.. I went a bit nuts with the italics.. was fun at 3am......]
Blah whatever... dancing!! From Mark Morrison's no. 1 to Ini Kamoze ... and this one [below] I probably haven't heard since middle school dances.. enjoy!
[Add: new (block breaking) poetry over here.. I went a bit nuts with the italics.. was fun at 3am......]
Blah whatever... dancing!! From Mark Morrison's no. 1 to Ini Kamoze ... and this one [below] I probably haven't heard since middle school dances.. enjoy!
Monday, 20 February 2017
Been mentally grumbling about the classics - lobbying, greed etc... there's no need because the thing is.. I want to buy tobacco, I'm addicted. And I really want the opportunity to do a whole load of things that aren't sensible. I'd also like for people to have the supported chance to explore what it is to be human while we're alive (within reason and without harming one another). You know I'd even like advertising if it didn't feel like someone's been reading through my emails and (embrassing) 2 am search history trying to find something that'll catch my eye.. (that's instinctively creepy behaviour, right?)
I'd like to be part of an actual global society. And I'd also like to know across the board that there won't be an abuse of the power and wealth that comes with working together en masse. Basically I'd really like the majority (or is it a vocal minority?) of humanity to wake up and start acting like the adults that they are [sorry to be going on about this again].
Because while it's fucking awesome (and I heartily condone and recommend) getting hammered with your mates of a morning/evening/when you feel the need, there is surely an upper limit to how much of a asshole you can get away with being whilst wankered at strangers. If sober I see little excuse for some of the things people just shouldn't be doing, to themselves and others. And look nobody's perfect, I'm a giant fuckup, but.... it's a fact of human nature that we respond to our perceptions not always reality.. I just read part one of Goddamned* and maybe this is still always just screaming to the wind but.. if we treat each other like dirt we become it (worse actually because soil doesn't plan to hurt people).. if we hold ourselves and each other up... We can be more than the sum of our pasts.
<-- *That book is so good, saddening maybe but beautiful. Planning (at some point) an almost-cinema gathering thing for 13th... get in touch if.. you know.. interested.. ha! Went looking for a trailer (above) but here's the whole movie streamed, ty Ciang Sebrangistana and vimeo.
I'd like to be part of an actual global society. And I'd also like to know across the board that there won't be an abuse of the power and wealth that comes with working together en masse. Basically I'd really like the majority (or is it a vocal minority?) of humanity to wake up and start acting like the adults that they are [sorry to be going on about this again].

<-- *That book is so good, saddening maybe but beautiful. Planning (at some point) an almost-cinema gathering thing for 13th... get in touch if.. you know.. interested.. ha! Went looking for a trailer (above) but here's the whole movie streamed, ty Ciang Sebrangistana and vimeo.
Sunday, 19 February 2017
Saturday, 18 February 2017
Here's the story behind my tattered tao: in the lesbian-capital of england, at the back on the bottom shelf slipped in between a beautifully bound koran and some kind of kid's guide to christianity there was the tiniest and most down to earth translation, I bought it on a whim because I would get bored later and it might be fun. Then I started reading it and this book has travelled, around budapest with me a short while and in the storm I took it's advise [there's a snapshot in my mind of the budapest skyline lit by white-blue fire as the rain drops stop suspended in the momentary flash of when I could see them], it counselled me through cold-turkey and has been wild camping more times than I have on account of I left it in the trees overnight once and went back for it, and it played my pillow on a hill somewhere in the wilds of the peak district... I love this book.
Friday, 17 February 2017
Uncensored ramble: It's become evident to me again recently that there's a backwards generational slant* on information processing. Children see a world of data, understand fact-checking and verifiable sources (as though they've sat through some Harvard Referencing classes..) because the internet is an unwieldy beast and you can't always trust it. I grew up with nightly news; Channel 4 says basically the same as BBC and 5 phrases things a little differently, they all pretty much agreed what was news and how it should roughly be interpreted. The internet does not agree. It's also the most frequently updated source of data on many (I'd go so far as to say, most) subjects. Naturally this is the resource that kids go to and have learnt a little critical thinking to process the plethora. Data has always been the same and people providing you data have always put it through their own perspective (.. yeh? .. 'through their own perspective' ... ... that was *tumbleweed* a joke...? anyone? .. .. yeah my sense of humour's weird..) so nothing has really changed except how much data we get and how we approach it.
*This is another of those terms I've adopted.. generational slant typically occurs when children observe parents/adults in action without understanding why adults are doing [the thing],
the meaning or context of those actions becomes irrelevant to the future generation. Later the child as an adult can replicate (believing it to be the same) with a completely independent motivation born of their own perception, potentially leading to wildly different results from the 'same' action.
Completely random this thing about rats!
Off topic but on my mind today:
I once knew a woman named Margaret. She's probably among the top ten people I've ever met; smart, resourceful, kind, aesthetically pleasant (I'm shit at lists like this but..) Margaret has a presence that could sit beside you as easily as look into/through you. Amazing woman. We were talking about.. oh I dunno I was probably going on about the weight of the world around my shoulders and my arrogant assumption that since I had contributed some pain to the world I was now responsible for all of it, or something along those lines. She could draw your attention without speaking, so I was rambling and she grabbed my gaze saying, "You're only human." Those clear eyes showed me conceited and vulnerable, it was uncomfortable (little like a butterfly on the pin) but it pushed me into consulting with reality before letting the feelings overwhelm me. Most often when struggling with life (being functional) it's this nihilistic bitter hatred, as though the world somehow expects me to pick up its litter and pair its socks while it sleeps... but I'm only human. I have a mind to observe the world around me, my actions and dependants to take responsibility for and personal power through which to do that. I'm only human. And (unless another animal's reading english) you're human too.
*This is another of those terms I've adopted.. generational slant typically occurs when children observe parents/adults in action without understanding why adults are doing [the thing],

Completely random this thing about rats!
Off topic but on my mind today:

Thursday, 16 February 2017
Another link from iaf, this is a List of Totally Free Things on the Internet Everyone Should Take Advantage of
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Monday, 13 February 2017
Sunday, 12 February 2017
Friday, 10 February 2017
Some time ago there was an acknowledgement and backlash to sub-culture in the uk (and in the u.s., thought it could've been all over, I was so depressed back then my awareness of, well, anything, seemed a miracle to me, fuck knows [how] I scraped that diploma). I remember standing outside a tiny bus station in yorkshire (waiting to be taken back to civilisation it seemed to me at the time) and reading a physical newspaper telling that another goth girl had had the living crap kicked out of her for.. dyed black hair? And I remember thinking 'this doesn't make sense' bc punks ('maybe they kick back harder') have been around forever (was born '86) but there's not been the same *sigh* this is not.... uh i mean ....
sub culture vs prime culture : the backlash caused by the internet. Suddenly the world began growing by communication, ideas blossomed, people started seeing that this Beautiful and Bountiful Land was being run by a community that we couldn't be but ashamed of, goths evolved. In the 90's it became publicly evident also, and people don't talk about this, that the UK method of doing things is quietly and behind closed doors (see: Enigma Machine and the sales of it after WW2, yeah after we'd cracked it we sold it as un-crackable). There is nothing by nature wrong with doing the most critical work outside of audience-awareness, it can be a method of ~soothing ruffled feathers~ and engaging future action with a dignity that comes of mystery. The trick is when something is being done outside of someone's awareness it can lend an illusion of privacy, lost as the audience becomes aware. Anything actioned is done, whether there's a public knowledge of it... if a tree falls in the forest.. yeah it makes a sound and even a tiny impact on everything around it. So I have this wild theory that maybe we suddenly became violently aware of sub-culture (all over again) because suddenly our subcultures were of a different size and shape than we expected.. Imagine you know the way to the hardware shop, it's three streets over and you know the route even though you haven't been there in five months. You go over two streets and find the roads have changed, they've been rearranged by new roads, one-ways and cul-de-sacs that weren't there before.. you would get lost (or use someone else's newer map....). Maybe we're all stupid (smart about some things but not always the thing in front of us) and we lash out when we don't understand something.. usually at something else because we don't understand why we feel like this. I hope this makes sense to someone.
I.. things to do, must go be a bit more active... thanks for reading/participating!
Oh this is very cool: scale one moon = one pixel.
The 'c' meteor icon at bottom right makes it scroll at lightspeed. Holding down right arrow goes much faster. But that's [very definitely] cheating.
sub culture vs prime culture : the backlash caused by the internet. Suddenly the world began growing by communication, ideas blossomed, people started seeing that this Beautiful and Bountiful Land was being run by a community that we couldn't be but ashamed of, goths evolved. In the 90's it became publicly evident also, and people don't talk about this, that the UK method of doing things is quietly and behind closed doors (see: Enigma Machine and the sales of it after WW2, yeah after we'd cracked it we sold it as un-crackable). There is nothing by nature wrong with doing the most critical work outside of audience-awareness, it can be a method of ~soothing ruffled feathers~ and engaging future action with a dignity that comes of mystery. The trick is when something is being done outside of someone's awareness it can lend an illusion of privacy, lost as the audience becomes aware. Anything actioned is done, whether there's a public knowledge of it... if a tree falls in the forest.. yeah it makes a sound and even a tiny impact on everything around it. So I have this wild theory that maybe we suddenly became violently aware of sub-culture (all over again) because suddenly our subcultures were of a different size and shape than we expected.. Imagine you know the way to the hardware shop, it's three streets over and you know the route even though you haven't been there in five months. You go over two streets and find the roads have changed, they've been rearranged by new roads, one-ways and cul-de-sacs that weren't there before.. you would get lost (or use someone else's newer map....). Maybe we're all stupid (smart about some things but not always the thing in front of us) and we lash out when we don't understand something.. usually at something else because we don't understand why we feel like this. I hope this makes sense to someone.
I.. things to do, must go be a bit more active... thanks for reading/participating!

The 'c' meteor icon at bottom right makes it scroll at lightspeed. Holding down right arrow goes much faster. But that's [very definitely] cheating.
Something nice for your ears:
Last night I went to a concert. Dance, singing, instruments etc, quite a lot of it was not in english (I learnt a new word, yay!) 谢谢 Song and Dance Ensemble, I had the best night (despite the reverb!) There were some phenomenal performers; this drummer treated us all to his music then had the whole crowd following his rhythm and calling back with claps, he kept it going for ages. An operatic singer who's voice almost caused a meltdown with the tech (bloody reverb). Some beautiful dancing (which mfh has already taken on! She's a dancer at heart). The strings, the voices, truly wonderful. The final performer was so good he recognised the reverb at first distortion and spent the next three or four songs adjusting for it on the fly and still powerfully belting it out, beautiful! Highlight of the whole night for me was (accomanied by piano) Greensleves on the duxianqin: this'll sound like waxing poetical but I was truly lost in the sound there. I don't think I can describe it, I've only experienced this a couple of times in my life and I was stone cold sober last night - lost in waves of something I know so well and yet it was like she tapped into what the song could always have been and brought it to life. I don't have words for this, not sure there are words for this - I wasn't me for a minute there, the sound was everything and somehow any 'me' was part of it. It was the whole universe just for a minute or two. I know it probably looks crazy. That sound re-wrote my world, way beyond synesthesia.

Thursday, 9 February 2017
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
Pet peeve, the Avatar film is weird, everyone's white like they're not from all over the world and [even if by some chance their skin is a little different] they all sound the same... it really bugs me and it's not really anything to do with the rest of the series (I just got these and the other comics). So later I'm gonna enjoy wasting my time watching that shit film that I don't remember bc the rest of the avatar world is so good (cheesy sure, they'll take a cheap laugh, but also expansive and with characters that not only develop gradually but in a realistic pattern of growth that most-times makes me smile).. sigh.. Brain's burning today, light and sound are causing pain but I don't care. I'm [willing] the pain off and working instead, constant supply of coffee helps!
[Added several hours later: Okay, it's not nearly as bad as I'd misremembered. But still.. the two or so ethnic/diverse background crowd scenes feel forced and somehow (I don't know shit about shit but) more like cultural appropriation than [Add: this is bad-wording.. it's like 'hey look at the chinese people we hired for a two minute scene, aren't we inclusive and atmospheric' so that isn't actually appropriation but it's just as rude].. more than anything in any of the rest of the show (that I've come across, keep finding mini episodes and things missed first time).
Here's a big bugbear too... Zhao's death scene. They diverge slightly and the film takes on a very different tone, in the midst of a huge battle Zhao finds young prince Zuko alone and challenges him to the death (same so far, then) Ihro talks Zuko into walking away and they leave Zhao to be drowned at the hands of vengeful watertribe defenders. Whereas in the series they fight a bit before Zuko has a moment to overcome their violent history and reaches out in mercy to Zhao who's own hatred takes him to his death. It's one of the pivotal points for Zuko, in a proto-reenactment of the agni-kai with his father, Zuko and Zhao fight to the death; excitingly Zuko takes the upper hand in the battle and (in the equivalent moment when previously his father scared him) Zhao is sucked up by a 3rd party, Zuko grabs the split-second chance and reaches to save Zhao. Zhao's an idiot, withdrawing his hand and choosing to die rather than submit, then Zuko cleverly runs away from the madness consuming the larger fight. So from the series: ~you can't save everyone from their own hatred, no matter how hard you have fought you can always stop/take compassion, some things aren't worth dying for .. and the dozens of other things that scene has made me think.. to the film: ~it's not our fight let's fuck off and save ourselves, leave that guy to save himself because.. uh sure.. sigh.. All that said, the martial arts are fantastic, the guy who plays Aang is clearly skillful, there is some good acting (if sparse inplaces) okay brain is dribbling out my ears.. later people, thanks for reading and I hope you're having an okay (at least!) day, today].
By the by, this made me chuckle ;)
[Added several hours later: Okay, it's not nearly as bad as I'd misremembered. But still.. the two or so ethnic/diverse background crowd scenes feel forced and somehow (I don't know shit about shit but) more like cultural appropriation than [Add: this is bad-wording.. it's like 'hey look at the chinese people we hired for a two minute scene, aren't we inclusive and atmospheric' so that isn't actually appropriation but it's just as rude].. more than anything in any of the rest of the show (that I've come across, keep finding mini episodes and things missed first time).

By the by, this made me chuckle ;)
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Gah, why is time so confusing.......... there's a thing in the back of my mind (possibly a dream) and it's driving me up the wall... does anyone know... did Einstein write a paper describing time as a form of ~structure~ like gravity as-in falling/being pulled through? It's not gravitational time dilation which is all the searches are giving me and it's been in me head for about a year now.. gak!
[Add: It's something to do with unified field, I think... getting closer, I will find this damn paper].
[Speed of light ... curved field.. gah...]
[Add: It's something to do with unified field, I think... getting closer, I will find this damn paper].
[Speed of light ... curved field.. gah...]
Monday, 6 February 2017
I've just skimmed through twenty or so pages of a book recommended as one of the 'big' books in Mindfulness... It gives some good advise [add: some very good advise in places, here's a link], though misunderstands the term rumination in my opinion. Then it goes a bit wonky and says when emotionally labile you should slow down, when angry you should kindly but firmly squanch your anger and (seemingly as general rule) prune any stray thoughts from your mind to maintain focus on the task at hand.... Now I've always found those three things to be psychologically convenient but flawed and often-times things that later bite you in the ass.
Here's a ramble on how and maybe why?
Here's a ramble on how and maybe why?
Friday, 3 February 2017
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