Just seen a bunch of things about Standing Rock, thanksgiving and #NotThePast. I like it, more power to your elbows people ;)
Guilting people is a shitty thing to do, we all know this, and evidence shows that even on a mass scale with all of the best intentions it can work to harm [X / cause / relationship, whatever] in the long run. There is a fine line between holding to account and guilting. A very fine line. I watch too many cop shows and when talking to people talk to too many people on the front lines of their various fields (same as before, EMTs, mental health nurses, people working day in and out with the illiterate sectors of a relatively segregated society; by finance mostly, though race and class always somehow get muddled in too).
If you expect a person to able to recover you have to treat them with a certain amount of respect that they can, whatever, pick themselves up, right? If you treat that same person with scorn and tell them how they've failed in the past, they're significantly more likely to fail again - almost regardless of how prepared they were...* If we expect society (at a wider perspective) or any individual aspect (person within) that society to be able to do better then maybe we've got be able to accept people as whole, warts and all, even in abstract.
I once asked some friends if they'd ever tried to imagine everyone.. "you know," i said naively, "the whole human race as individuals with ideas and hobbies and wives and broken legs.. all the people." They asked why anyone would do that. I asked why they wouldn't want to? 'These,' I figured, 'are some very smart people. Between the network mind-hub of the computer scientist, the quiet eyes in the corner [a panther coiled, in that jumper], to the human version of facebook-and-reddit, one of them would have wondered at what the human race is in totality, surely??' We smiled and conversation moved on to.. South Park or something. The brain is a muscle, exercise it.
*Oh shit, I get it... Abusive streak #3: relies upon isolating a 'subject' in order to analyse their behaviour patterns inrespose to specific low level on-going cues... in order to abstract their own responses enough to be able to encompass the rationale that they haven't been able to accept [or if behaving in static array, haven't decided] for their own behavioural responses [unconscious responses] to the same low level [unaviodable in wider society] cues [=advertising, beggars/street music, coworkers-nagging etc; all the things you don't want to be able to draw you when you don't have the energy or patience to deny-access to subconscious process, i.e. ignore]. ... Wow. I hope that made sense, because I ain't proofing it right now.
According to worldhunger.org in the last 25 years the overall percentage of the world malnourished has gone down by nearly 8% that's a fuck-ton of people. Well done humans! ;p Sometimes I think we have a chance. Othertimes I think we're doomed to self-anniahlation. But rarely, sometimes, I can actually see a glimpse of a [largely peaceful] viable future for the human race.
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