Out of context quote:
"The human soul is not a rubber ball. It's vulnerable, impermanent but stronger than you know." Death (Supernatural s6,11) that character always makes me chuckle.
Add: fucking awesome interview on the Daily Show last night - what a voice and that smile is infectious.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Monday, 28 November 2016
Just seen a bunch of things about Standing Rock, thanksgiving and #NotThePast. I like it, more power to your elbows people ;)
Guilting people is a shitty thing to do, we all know this, and evidence shows that even on a mass scale with all of the best intentions it can work to harm [X / cause / relationship, whatever] in the long run. There is a fine line between holding to account and guilting. A very fine line. I watch too many cop shows and when talking to people talk to too many people on the front lines of their various fields (same as before, EMTs, mental health nurses, people working day in and out with the illiterate sectors of a relatively segregated society; by finance mostly, though race and class always somehow get muddled in too).
If you expect a person to able to recover you have to treat them with a certain amount of respect that they can, whatever, pick themselves up, right? If you treat that same person with scorn and tell them how they've failed in the past, they're significantly more likely to fail again - almost regardless of how prepared they were...* If we expect society (at a wider perspective) or any individual aspect (person within) that society to be able to do better then maybe we've got be able to accept people as whole, warts and all, even in abstract.
I once asked some friends if they'd ever tried to imagine everyone.. "you know," i said naively, "the whole human race as individuals with ideas and hobbies and wives and broken legs.. all the people." They asked why anyone would do that. I asked why they wouldn't want to? 'These,' I figured, 'are some very smart people. Between the network mind-hub of the computer scientist, the quiet eyes in the corner [a panther coiled, in that jumper], to the human version of facebook-and-reddit, one of them would have wondered at what the human race is in totality, surely??' We smiled and conversation moved on to.. South Park or something. The brain is a muscle, exercise it.
*Oh shit, I get it... Abusive streak #3: relies upon isolating a 'subject' in order to analyse their behaviour patterns inrespose to specific low level on-going cues... in order to abstract their own responses enough to be able to encompass the rationale that they haven't been able to accept [or if behaving in static array, haven't decided] for their own behavioural responses [unconscious responses] to the same low level [unaviodable in wider society] cues [=advertising, beggars/street music, coworkers-nagging etc; all the things you don't want to be able to draw you when you don't have the energy or patience to deny-access to subconscious process, i.e. ignore]. ... Wow. I hope that made sense, because I ain't proofing it right now.
According to worldhunger.org in the last 25 years the overall percentage of the world malnourished has gone down by nearly 8% that's a fuck-ton of people. Well done humans! ;p Sometimes I think we have a chance. Othertimes I think we're doomed to self-anniahlation. But rarely, sometimes, I can actually see a glimpse of a [largely peaceful] viable future for the human race.
Guilting people is a shitty thing to do, we all know this, and evidence shows that even on a mass scale with all of the best intentions it can work to harm [X / cause / relationship, whatever] in the long run. There is a fine line between holding to account and guilting. A very fine line. I watch too many cop shows and when talking to people talk to too many people on the front lines of their various fields (same as before, EMTs, mental health nurses, people working day in and out with the illiterate sectors of a relatively segregated society; by finance mostly, though race and class always somehow get muddled in too).
If you expect a person to able to recover you have to treat them with a certain amount of respect that they can, whatever, pick themselves up, right? If you treat that same person with scorn and tell them how they've failed in the past, they're significantly more likely to fail again - almost regardless of how prepared they were...* If we expect society (at a wider perspective) or any individual aspect (person within) that society to be able to do better then maybe we've got be able to accept people as whole, warts and all, even in abstract.
I once asked some friends if they'd ever tried to imagine everyone.. "you know," i said naively, "the whole human race as individuals with ideas and hobbies and wives and broken legs.. all the people." They asked why anyone would do that. I asked why they wouldn't want to? 'These,' I figured, 'are some very smart people. Between the network mind-hub of the computer scientist, the quiet eyes in the corner [a panther coiled, in that jumper], to the human version of facebook-and-reddit, one of them would have wondered at what the human race is in totality, surely??' We smiled and conversation moved on to.. South Park or something. The brain is a muscle, exercise it.
*Oh shit, I get it... Abusive streak #3: relies upon isolating a 'subject' in order to analyse their behaviour patterns inrespose to specific low level on-going cues... in order to abstract their own responses enough to be able to encompass the rationale that they haven't been able to accept [or if behaving in static array, haven't decided] for their own behavioural responses [unconscious responses] to the same low level [unaviodable in wider society] cues [=advertising, beggars/street music, coworkers-nagging etc; all the things you don't want to be able to draw you when you don't have the energy or patience to deny-access to subconscious process, i.e. ignore]. ... Wow. I hope that made sense, because I ain't proofing it right now.
According to worldhunger.org in the last 25 years the overall percentage of the world malnourished has gone down by nearly 8% that's a fuck-ton of people. Well done humans! ;p Sometimes I think we have a chance. Othertimes I think we're doomed to self-anniahlation. But rarely, sometimes, I can actually see a glimpse of a [largely peaceful] viable future for the human race.
Sunday, 27 November 2016
Communication is key. I've said this before...won't wear you out saying again but...
This bullshit is fucking unbelievable, how can anyone pretend they didn't know fracking was harmful to the environment.. and that would have knock on effects, like house pricing.. I know that and I've only heard of this thing a handful of times until the last year or so (when everyone started shouting about it). I mean - duh, science, people - it's never as complicated if you actually look at the data. And I mean yeah, obviously people who were literally covering up a report to push something through first should probably be arrested or fined or something (I like the Last Man on Earth method of stocks until everyone's happy for you to come out, but that might push us back towards Shakespearean style torture and death, so I'm willing to pass on stocks if you guys are..)... but lets not pretend it wasn't obviously a bad idea from the get-go.
*sigh* this shit.
so there's a drabble over here
This bullshit is fucking unbelievable, how can anyone pretend they didn't know fracking was harmful to the environment.. and that would have knock on effects, like house pricing.. I know that and I've only heard of this thing a handful of times until the last year or so (when everyone started shouting about it). I mean - duh, science, people - it's never as complicated if you actually look at the data. And I mean yeah, obviously people who were literally covering up a report to push something through first should probably be arrested or fined or something (I like the Last Man on Earth method of stocks until everyone's happy for you to come out, but that might push us back towards Shakespearean style torture and death, so I'm willing to pass on stocks if you guys are..)... but lets not pretend it wasn't obviously a bad idea from the get-go.
![]() |
"Oh no. This is a society and we have rules." |
so there's a drabble over here
Friday, 25 November 2016
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
My curiosity over the last few weeks has been swaying towards Loop Quantum Gravity (links below). Found this article with a visual representation and thought 'why have they put neurons on a.. oh...an example of micro-macro?' So I made:

Background: Interconnected Neurons in a culture dish
A fluorescence microscope reveals the largely random network, that neurons form in a culture dish. An international team of scientists investigated [for MPI] whether nerve cells in the brain wire randomly. © Manuel Schottdorf, MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization.
Foreground: Loop Quantum Gravity visual representation
In the loop models, the basic structure of space-time turns out to be discrete. In such discrete space-times, there are smallest values for volumes and areas that are not divisible any farther – just as one cannot build a structure smaller than the smallest block in a children's lego set. The fabric of space is called a spin network with lines and nodes, as pictured [above].
Loop Links:
Wiki's page.. uh, actually that's about as far as I've gotten yet, uh...
Here's a little collection of 101 videos for Quantum Mechanics and Physics:
Oxford, J.J. Binney If you can stand the hissing audio this guy is very common sense.
IIT Madras, Prof V.Balakrishnan 2008 This guy is amazing (for the curious layman; just roll with some of the maths, he'll explain in different terms as you go) he's funny too.. my personal favourite /gush
Richard Feynman 1983
Add: the article which introduced me to the concept.
Saturday, 19 November 2016
"When American scholar Garda Lerner pioneered the study of women's history in the 1980s, her research provided both evidence and an explanation for how the patriarchy originally began to form. It was not until the dawn of agriculture, when humans transitioned from being hunter gatherers to becoming herders and farmers, in the fourth to second millennium BC, that notions of personal property and ownership also created the need to control reproduction." The Underground Girls of Kabul, Jenny Nordberg.
Cascade changes.....
[AN: soil, fabric, idea]
Cascade changes.....
[AN: soil, fabric, idea]
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
There's something that I've been struggling with this week. So in an effort to share it, analyse it; here we go.
"...use your words, your human words." I don't communicate easily with humans, I find animals and non-verbal communication easier. Perhaps I'm autistic, or indulging my autistic traits lately. Humans say so much and mean so little (I mean.. other animals appear to do that too..). Reflecting: My grandmother (who I used to stay with in the summers) could be rather hard at times. She was an advocate of speaking only when you had something to say, and drilled it into me young. As such I don't talk. Not enough to make others comfortable, in that un-conscious way. I'm also, from what others tell me, pretty good at cold reading people so a lot of the time I don't need people to speak to be able to interpret a common or proto-typical scenario. [Baby and parents on a tram: only-days-old baby is crying, father is calming the baby (has learnt how as quickly as a mother typically would) but looks panicked (tight eyes) and he can't take his eyes off the mother who glassily stares at nothing, flinches when she looks at / hears the baby = Postnatal depression, hold the fucking door for them and smile, they need any help.] I can't seem to ignore it except when I have a bad headache or I'm so totally stoned that time stops having any meaning.
And yet. I live with someone who suffers. Anxiety. Sounds simple and non-invasive, as these things go, can be crippling. I can't stop noticing strangers; a lady passing by in the street today, smiled at passerby, and when I smiled at her, beamed like she didn't want to contain whatever joys had put her in that good mood = spreading the love. And yet. My therapist (gets me a lot but rarely understands me, if that makes sense) tried for professionalism today for a fraction of a second before giving the honest answer (laughter), because I'd clearly read it in the lower right 4/5th of his right eye. It's not hard to read people. And yet. I can't tell when the person I live with is getting anxious sometimes, she's so damn good at hiding and I don't pay attention at the right moments. Maybe I'm hypersensitive when outside... that's a thing that could explain the heightened responses (diagnosed some form of PTSD). Or maybe I'm pissed about whatever, some thing, the stack of washing up, and some part of me ignores the cues sometimes - if that's the case I've got work.
"The truth hurts." But so does reality and the bonus is once you get used to the truth you can work on it. If you're coping with lies then you still have a reality to face.
And now some weird for you: We recently (Nov 14th) experienced the closest moon (to the earth - in perigee) in a fairly long fucking time. Thanks to a wonderful uncle who likes to work these things out, I can tell you that it was 0.018% larger than the previous 'supermoon' of 2011. I like to think of myself as scientifically sceptical, but for years I've been hearing anecdotal stories from nurses, police and EMTs that the full moon is usually the busiest night of the month.. in a pub, great business - from these people, I'd rather hear they had a quiet night. I scoffed and forgot about it until heard more stories than would be statistically reasonable, so I ignored it as an aspect of social-hallucination (mass-hysteria playing a long game)... then I started reading the occasional scientific paper saying essentially 'not enough research has been done for anything conclusive, and there's been papers showing a negative for this but we still did research which suggests a relationship between lunar cycles and [X - rats, mice, beach amphipods, insects of wide varieties etc.] biology and/or behaviour' ...and I'm becoming persuaded that there's something to this (something to research at least) when that amazing uncle sends an email saying the fullest moon since 1948 is about to happen (Nov 14th) and I look around at the world as it exists right now, with the things we've done in recent months.... Should they have delayed the presidential election vote a week? I feel a bit crazy suggesting it. But...
This one... if you take nothing from this entire post but read this abstract then I thank you for getting the important bit. Published in December 2015 (credit to M. Bevinton), describes "..measurements of electric field of up to 16V/m compared with the usual <1V/m [...] Similar intensities [...e.g. electromagnetic storms...] are known to affect animals and 10-20% of the human population." Now I probably don't know enough about the earth's magnetotail to explain but.. there's a field of electromagnetic energy around the earth (animals/humans also have a small field, I believe), it forms a tail in (I think) the solar winds and motion of the planet. Imagine the shape of water falling off a ball in a pool, kinda like that (probably not at all mathematically, really, but kinda looks like that). [If anyone knows of mistakes here or understands the science, please comment!] And the full moon disrupts it, basically.
So if there's a real testable thing....... can the scientists get started on studying that please? Also, should they have delayed that vote by a week?? It's not like the moon's gonna turn you into a werewolf.. but if there's a (+50year high) increased electric field (from the normal low field that your body's used to slogging through, it kinda explains the extra car crashes and people being, uh, distracted in some undefinable way, headaches; "sensations of a 'presence'") is that the best time to be voting on president et al. for the next half-decade?
If you've gotten to the end here, thanks for reading my first ramble to be posted in full. Now go forth and enjoy the world!
"...use your words, your human words." I don't communicate easily with humans, I find animals and non-verbal communication easier. Perhaps I'm autistic, or indulging my autistic traits lately. Humans say so much and mean so little (I mean.. other animals appear to do that too..). Reflecting: My grandmother (who I used to stay with in the summers) could be rather hard at times. She was an advocate of speaking only when you had something to say, and drilled it into me young. As such I don't talk. Not enough to make others comfortable, in that un-conscious way. I'm also, from what others tell me, pretty good at cold reading people so a lot of the time I don't need people to speak to be able to interpret a common or proto-typical scenario. [Baby and parents on a tram: only-days-old baby is crying, father is calming the baby (has learnt how as quickly as a mother typically would) but looks panicked (tight eyes) and he can't take his eyes off the mother who glassily stares at nothing, flinches when she looks at / hears the baby = Postnatal depression, hold the fucking door for them and smile, they need any help.] I can't seem to ignore it except when I have a bad headache or I'm so totally stoned that time stops having any meaning.
And yet. I live with someone who suffers. Anxiety. Sounds simple and non-invasive, as these things go, can be crippling. I can't stop noticing strangers; a lady passing by in the street today, smiled at passerby, and when I smiled at her, beamed like she didn't want to contain whatever joys had put her in that good mood = spreading the love. And yet. My therapist (gets me a lot but rarely understands me, if that makes sense) tried for professionalism today for a fraction of a second before giving the honest answer (laughter), because I'd clearly read it in the lower right 4/5th of his right eye. It's not hard to read people. And yet. I can't tell when the person I live with is getting anxious sometimes, she's so damn good at hiding and I don't pay attention at the right moments. Maybe I'm hypersensitive when outside... that's a thing that could explain the heightened responses (diagnosed some form of PTSD). Or maybe I'm pissed about whatever, some thing, the stack of washing up, and some part of me ignores the cues sometimes - if that's the case I've got work.
"The truth hurts." But so does reality and the bonus is once you get used to the truth you can work on it. If you're coping with lies then you still have a reality to face.
And now some weird for you: We recently (Nov 14th) experienced the closest moon (to the earth - in perigee) in a fairly long fucking time. Thanks to a wonderful uncle who likes to work these things out, I can tell you that it was 0.018% larger than the previous 'supermoon' of 2011. I like to think of myself as scientifically sceptical, but for years I've been hearing anecdotal stories from nurses, police and EMTs that the full moon is usually the busiest night of the month.. in a pub, great business - from these people, I'd rather hear they had a quiet night. I scoffed and forgot about it until heard more stories than would be statistically reasonable, so I ignored it as an aspect of social-hallucination (mass-hysteria playing a long game)... then I started reading the occasional scientific paper saying essentially 'not enough research has been done for anything conclusive, and there's been papers showing a negative for this but we still did research which suggests a relationship between lunar cycles and [X - rats, mice, beach amphipods, insects of wide varieties etc.] biology and/or behaviour' ...and I'm becoming persuaded that there's something to this (something to research at least) when that amazing uncle sends an email saying the fullest moon since 1948 is about to happen (Nov 14th) and I look around at the world as it exists right now, with the things we've done in recent months.... Should they have delayed the presidential election vote a week? I feel a bit crazy suggesting it. But...
This one... if you take nothing from this entire post but read this abstract then I thank you for getting the important bit. Published in December 2015 (credit to M. Bevinton), describes "..measurements of electric field of up to 16V/m compared with the usual <1V/m [...] Similar intensities [...e.g. electromagnetic storms...] are known to affect animals and 10-20% of the human population." Now I probably don't know enough about the earth's magnetotail to explain but.. there's a field of electromagnetic energy around the earth (animals/humans also have a small field, I believe), it forms a tail in (I think) the solar winds and motion of the planet. Imagine the shape of water falling off a ball in a pool, kinda like that (probably not at all mathematically, really, but kinda looks like that). [If anyone knows of mistakes here or understands the science, please comment!] And the full moon disrupts it, basically.
So if there's a real testable thing....... can the scientists get started on studying that please? Also, should they have delayed that vote by a week?? It's not like the moon's gonna turn you into a werewolf.. but if there's a (+50year high) increased electric field (from the normal low field that your body's used to slogging through, it kinda explains the extra car crashes and people being, uh, distracted in some undefinable way, headaches; "sensations of a 'presence'") is that the best time to be voting on president et al. for the next half-decade?
If you've gotten to the end here, thanks for reading my first ramble to be posted in full. Now go forth and enjoy the world!
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Your actions cause reactions (this keyboard is noisy this late, etc.). A friend was drunk and dancing at an event last night, someone later described a bubble of movement that seemed to flow around her, almost everyone in the vicinity hit the beat...
You literally make the world around you over time... whether you mean to or want to, or not. Realising that drove me a little bit mad for a while.
P.s. Daily Show makes sanity seem easy.... :P
You literally make the world around you over time... whether you mean to or want to, or not. Realising that drove me a little bit mad for a while.
P.s. Daily Show makes sanity seem easy.... :P
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Today sucks tiny trump dicks
No matter what. You've got to pick your ass up (only you can) and start moving again because nothing happens but by motion.
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