Hey so.. I was just musing over the Daily Show (Ta Nahisi Coates... I would give a couple of small toes to be able to write and/or think like that guy.. he's so fucking cool), something reminded me of that bit I wrote a while ago about the faces people make when you're homeless.. and realised I've seen the reaction to that 'once or twice' because I gave that expression to a guy in my late teens; used to walk a couple of miles to work in the morning. Later I started setting out 10 minutes early so that he and I could have a smoke together, he was a decent dude. [random: love having gender neutral terms that once assumed gender.. bring on the future baby!]
On a different note entirely: that interview, and basically the whole pack of other Daily Show* interviews (some prior and since then) have been re-breaking my expectations of what a comedy show conversation about promoting a book/film/etc, can become.. granted some of the people that he's discussing ~zeitgeist with are Presidents but... there are some really interesting topics coming up, moreover in truly interesting ways. Probably a dumb example; when Obama uh'd and hmm'd and re-framed a question, or (granted this one isn't Daily Show, though most of these faces have been there too) Noah: "..it would be just as hard for me to go into a conservative space and have these conversations, right?" [add: or a beautifully crude and subtle Lydic line; "..I mean, my son could [fix it] but no one listens to him because of his huge penis."]
* Daily Show has always done this to my knowledge; [in the years I've been watching] Stewart, Oliver and Noah have each pushed boundaries and inspired further debate between viewers.. they've had really good run lately though (..nothing's perfect and some jokes fall flat for me or ideals aren't in line with my opinions.. uh, tbh, I love that bc it wouldn't be our crazy world if we all thought alike). Also worth noting (I don't talk about it as much but) the comedy beforehand has been wonderful too.
Another aside: the pigeons know what's up. They tell you when their hungry - sometimes by clinging to the ledge of the window, hooting and flapping at you. A new bird started coming around yesterday, his eyes are almost black which I'm fairly sure is a sign of malnourishment, it's good to see him around again today. Squirrel pair come up for food right away now though they still flip their tails at me, which I find endlessly amusing and fluffy.
This one went a bit wild, no real topic of discussion... (ha.. I just read past the "play on words" in Thief of Time..) so if you got here, thanks for reading anyway.
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