Sunday, 11 September 2022

 We (humans) seem to have this concept that time is somehow separate from the matter of things. Einstein's space time exemplifies that each time a new person tries to grapple their head around the idea that space and time are intrinsically linked. I think maybe Einstein struggled just like the rest of us with this idea, only he was trying to explain it to others too! Much harder work. I think maybe in that he didn't go quite far enough with the weird stuff that makes your head tilt and brain matter overused starts sliding out for a quick pint. It seems to me (and I'm no physicist, fuck I barely understand the basics of the maths behind this stuff) that time and motion and space are intrinsically linked. Those little motions of the clouds, the ways the water runs, how the nerve impulses shoot just before you think to.. it's not random, it's just that we can't predict it because we're on a differing scale. What if the reason that micro and macro look so similar (almost)*see space / neuron pics from before* and behave so similarly (almost) is because they are so similar but influenced by something fundamentally differently.. the way that rain washes over my skin and washes a bug out of the sky. (That's horrible, sorry, I love bugs I wish that they weren't so tiny and fragile). So then if time is something, not a concept but something with physical influence (we kinda know it is but bear with me..) how do we gauge for something that is part of what makes us able to gauge because it's things happening.. boom .. what if .. what if.. what if I jack my whole life in and go get a degree in (& hopefully some understanding of..) theoretical physics?

Hmm, what if someone develops brain-download tech and we can all understand everything!! There's weight for a short story there, a comedy of errors in which everyone understands everything while confusing all the human element, then some old bot (I'm thinking an Asimov class, that one about Mercury) that was once long ago taught to understand emotions, teaches the world to communicate again .. really communicate on an animalistic level. It's been written before, but then so have all the good ones. Recycle, re-use, recreate the world around us.

Anyway... blah... physics ideas on a hangover Sunday. Heelllo and good morning!

        ~stumbles off in search of coffee and fry up~

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