Wednesday, 23 August 2017

'Civilisation requires being civil..' hmm *nods*

Will be back the next time I'm thikning more than doing.

Wednesday, 16 August 2017





needed that, thanks
Psychological processes often work on a knowledge assimilation basis.

e.g. the unknown is scary and once the boundaries (or key points / intersections / parameters) are known it becomes a factored risk; since in essence everything from standing and walking across the room to eating food can be hazardous.
  If you can factor something into routines (without an imbalance) then it loses the weight (potential risk) of an unknown [factor/scenario] and therefore becomes psychologically undaunting (in a manner, nothing's magic really*).
  In my experience this is true for most psychological patterns. [Though watch yourselves for inverted-left down-spin, bc it behaves unusually (anecdotal!) when fed in this manner, sometimes rapidly leading to emotional numbness and ignorance of other hemispheres - or I've known some bitchy 4s!]

* I find the mathematical construct of the black box can be wonderfully useful in processing/meditation... just saying.