Friday, 26 May 2017

Ignorance: how people treat knowledge they don't want to assimilate

lately: thinking lots, writing little - sorry will be back in the next day or so

Thursday, 25 May 2017

Maybe this is dumb and unnecessary to say, but it's been bothering me so... Before when I said "..mock the other side (and prop ourselves up with their perceived embarrassment) we're only making fools of ourselves. Peace and equality don't stem from antagonism and aggression." I made the assumption that people are aware and/or agree with the idea that showing something/one as ridiculous/flawed is sometimes the only counter to idiocy, but there is a line between holding up as flawed and mockery with an intention to harm or to 'prop one's self up with their perceived embarrassment'.

NB: Family is a strange and wonderful thing.

Monday, 22 May 2017

Morning all :) Just used my toothbrush to stir my ("monstrosity") of a homemade mocha (instant coffee + instant hot chocolate).. seems somehow counterproductive :)) made me chuckle anyway.. While doing this:

With this (filled with singing little birds) just outside:

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Cycles don't break in one huge snap, ideally, if they do they have a tendency to go violently. It takes little increments and small kindnesses over time to truly change the flow of a river.. damming can only go so far.

[Add: My experience of protest has taught me that the air can become charged very easily. My experience of life says that things change in an instant, nothing is constant, it must be built on a structure / frame or it'll collapse soon after people stop holding it up. Peace first. The aim of most protests (that I consider in line with my ideology) is peace and equality. When we forget that to mock the other side (and prop ourselves up with their perceived embarrassment) we're only making fools of ourselves. Peace and equality don't stem from antagonism and aggression. Yes, there must be weight to change the course of a moving boulder but that weight can be peacefully persistent and effective more easily than it would if screaming and throwing fire....
Peace and equality. Create calm with calm intent].

Friday, 19 May 2017

Hello big world :)

Today I confused gravity with gravity on my bookmarks. Haven taken meds for heads.. am off the deep end :)
Miss you already Daily Show :P lol

[Just have to add --->
numbers make me giggle.. the meds may not have worn off yet!]

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Would like to write about something happy for once.. so here's a little news. Our girl had a healthy baby, nicknamed newt. She's furry and beginning to move out of the bed, though usually accompanied (and often attached!)

The whole thing is a little bit* like this video (below) except she only had newt and she's very happy with the amount of mothering needed in the day.
*Since newt's an only child she was a lot more like the photo at birth than tiny ones in the video, even had some fur.

Gets good about 25 seconds in.. score one for the spikey bastards.

With love.

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Okay, so this is cool.* Uh, some people who read this actually uh have probably heard me rant before about the D Wave and google and nasa. So the D Wave inspired a (finally mostly unfinished) piece that I wrote for a thing (that it failed on) uh some number of years ago [fuck, brain! why migraine now?] uh.. so, yeah I wrote the thing because I was procrastinating online and found (like a real Asimov story) this tiny group of people had been working on something weird and all they needed to do (really) was sort out the decoherence problem, so google bought the idea and passed it on to nasa who worked on it for a while and made a breakthrough a couple of years ago, they passed that back to google and somewhere along the line this paper thingy popped up. Wow.

* .... .. daydream about how close we could now be to the beginnings of bladerunner.. just saying..

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Watching a documentary on drug abuse in Salt Lake and the area. You know when.. a bunny starts hopping around in the back of your mind and won't stop until you put pen to paper, then once it's written the bunny tells you it's the best thing you ever ever could ever have wrote? ..yeah, just got that.

When your external
and internal are

Anything that can
bring you back

When you're
spinning and the two
won't sync.

An illusion
is easier
the honest

let the flow take you
and bring you back whole.

For a little fun - play with your eyes :) image exemplifies the peripheral drift illusion:

Also because I find this amusing the blogger spellcheck is highling the words 'let' 'seperate' and fucking 'truth'  ... lol