Happy 2021 and solar flare cycle 25 you guys hehehehehe *goes away to enjoy the data*
Thursday, 21 January 2021
Sunday, 10 January 2021
When I was very young my nose was broken in an accident which is long forgiven. I was about 4 yrs old and it turns out that it's been a very broken nose ever since. A couple of years ago I heard that a bad break when young can leave people not able to breathe while eating and drinking. And I was like: wait, people can breathe and eat food? What? That's not a thing humans can.. oh. Then a year or so later I was in the hospital for another thing, they put a scope down my nose and I was like ow, a lot of ow. But I'm used to ow, so the poor doctor was like uh, now I have to take the scope out.. and it broke my nose again.
All of a sudden I could smell the hospital's disinfectant! Also ow for a week or so. And now I'm learning to breathe (through one side) while eating and oh my god I can neck more than a half pint in one go because I'm not having to hold my breath! And the air is.. oh it's sweet and it's electric when there's a storm coming and I can smell it!! So now I need to go back to the doctors and say, hey can you break my nose please, and while you're at it can you pop my jaw and shoulders back into place too because I'm sure the jaw's broken, pretty sure the shoulders have dislocated and is there anything you can do about the dents in my skull, ribs and wonky toes..? Because I fall over far too much.
lol punk life