Saturday, 14 September 2019

Reasons why the bbc suck

Also, you tell them 'fuck off and stop sending me post, I don't plan to ever get a tv licence' and they say.. 'oh but that's just a phase, we'll bother you again in two years.. ttfn..'

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Out of context quote:

"..I mean, precognition is essentially pattern recognition along with a probability algorithm, we all do it every time we cross a road.."

In motion life has direction.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

This is sad, and random but on my mind today.

When I was a kid I was sexually assaulted, this is known, no worries, my life has moved on time ago. It gave me an insight. I was 15 when I first went through court. I tried to talk to some friends my age (of an economic class above mine mostly), they baulked of course & I could've realised they would but didn't at the time. It let me know how much I had grown, perspective widened, and I realise as I reflect on it now.. my first insights into most things criminal started long before that with sexual assults on others. Where I lived the rates of stranger assaults were average, being a young girl/woman who sometimes walked to school we would be informed of danger areas and when was more of a risk to be out alone day or night, for these months at a time (about 8 or 9 when we started getting regular warnings, school, tv, friends' mums, neighbours etc). Winter there were always fewer but if reports came in you had to take them more seriously, summer rapists were laissez-faire(!) (That's sarcasm brackets, just in case it's unknown). At some point I started marking in my mind patterns of progression and threat levels for myself. By the time I was 15 and fucked up enough to walk at night alone in my trench coat wherever the wind took me I was pretty good at it, carried a knife (& lessons on use) anyway, I'm not an idiot. Is it unusual that this was my inital insight into crime? From what I know of other Brit' women.. nope, not at all.


Tuesday, 11 June 2019

People have tried to define freedom in so many different ways, this (imo) must be the kind of post hoc justification that humans are so hard wired to put themselves through in order to maintain sanitiy.. the simple definition of freedom is self-determinism and self control.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

I've just experienced a moment of tresha, am crying hot tears... if you don't know what I'm talking about then go read Chambers' The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet already.

Friday, 1 February 2019

Language forms the basis of how we convey thoughts and ideas to one another. It's a complex beast at this point in humanity's history. It's been symbols and sounds for so long we don't consciously identify them as that [thought experiment: the next time you're throwing a controller across the room or shouting in a rage at the tv, have a listen to the actual sounds that are in the air.. now think about other animals that make sounds like that, when and why they're speaking that way]. If you look at the ancient symbols (a friend showed me a sequence by time once) that made up their languages there's something visceral (particularly in kanji)... have you ever wondered that a ? sort of looks like a scythe? Like maybe xe was thinking of the ultimate question?

Anyway, that thought made me smile this morning. Hope everyone's having a day worth having.